Fandom és una companyia amb múltiples idiomes i allotja wikis en més de 100 idiomes. A més dels molts visitants dels Estats Units o d'altres països de parla anglesa, hi ha una enorme quantitat de persones que els agrada experimentar els wikis en la seves llengües maternes. Per ajudar-los i donar-los suport, es compta amb un equip internacional format per membres d'arreu del món.
L'International Volunteering Team (Equip Voluntari Internacional) és un grup d'usuaris molt apassionats de tot el món que els encanta Fandom i els agrada ajudar i donar suport a les nostres comunitats en el seu idioma local. Estan estretament connectats amb els usuaris, informen sobre productes nous, ajuden identificant nous assumptes que encara no estan coberts, i impulsen wikis creant spotlights, sliders i més.
En MtaÄ està donant suport i coordinant a l'IVT. Un aspecte principal de la seva feina és reunir a les comunitats lingüístiques mitjançant la cerca de helpers que treballin amb ell, amb la finalitat de construir una comunitat lingüística. Cada dia més i més usuaris internacionals arriben a Fandom, i la seva segona funció principal es augmentar el seu coneixement sobre la disponibilitat dels continguts i les comunitats localitzades.
En MtaÄ està donant suport i coordinant a l'IVT. Un aspecte principal de la seva feina és reunir a les comunitats lingüístiques mitjançant la cerca de helpers que treballin amb ell, amb la finalitat de construir una comunitat lingüística. Cada dia més i més usuaris internacionals arriben a Fandom, i la seva segona funció principal es augmentar el seu coneixement sobre la disponibilitat dels continguts i les comunitats localitzades.
Top 10 Languages
The top 10 languages represent the 9 most visited languages on Fandom today, while English remains the most visited language on the platform.
DE - Alemany
DarkBarbarian és un helper alemany. Es va unir a l'IVT a finals de 2019 com a líder del grup
Wiki-Paten ("programa d'administradors mentors") alemany.
DarkBarbarian és un helper alemany. Es va unir a l'IVT a finals de 2019 com a líder del grup
Wiki-Paten ("programa d'administradors mentors") alemany.
L'Gerrit és un helper alemany. Es va unir a Fandom el 2012, i a l'IVT a mitjans del 2015. L'Amon es centra en la reactivació de les comunitats de FANDOM alemanyes abandonades.
L'Gerrit és un helper alemany. Es va unir a Fandom el 2012, i a l'IVT a mitjans del 2015. L'Amon es centra en la reactivació de les comunitats de FANDOM alemanyes abandonades.
Grsaar11 is a
German helper. He started editing on Fandom in April 2018 and joined the IVT in late 2020. He likes TV shows, video games, cycling and being in nature among other things.
Grsaar11 is a
German helper. He started editing on Fandom in April 2018 and joined the IVT in late 2020. He likes TV shows, video games, cycling and being in nature among other things.
En Nekky-chan és un helper alemany. Va començar el seu viatge a Fandom a finals de 2016. Unint-se a l'IVT el 2019, s'ha convertit en el líder del grup Vanguard alemany.
En Nekky-chan és un helper alemany. Va començar el seu viatge a Fandom a finals de 2016. Unint-se a l'IVT el 2019, s'ha convertit en el líder del grup Vanguard alemany.
PHTL is a Fandom user since 2013 and joined the German helper team in October 2020. He helps out by assisting users as well as preparing and updating wikis to cover upcoming releases.
PHTL is a Fandom user since 2013 and joined the German helper team in October 2020. He helps out by assisting users as well as preparing and updating wikis to cover upcoming releases.
RainA is a
German helper. They have been editing on Fandom since April 2012 and joined the IVT in 2020. They are a huge fan of anime and mostly edit German anime wikis, such as the
Attack on Titan Wiki.
RainA is a
German helper. They have been editing on Fandom since April 2012 and joined the IVT in 2020. They are a huge fan of anime and mostly edit German anime wikis, such as the
Attack on Titan Wiki.
L'SpacePucky és un helper alemany. Va començar editant a Fandom a principis de 2015. Tradueix blogs i pàgines d'ajuda per la comunitat alemanya i ajuda els nous usuaris.
L'SpacePucky és un helper alemany. Va començar editant a Fandom a principis de 2015. Tradueix blogs i pàgines d'ajuda per la comunitat alemanya i ajuda els nous usuaris.
ES - Espanyol
bitomic is a
Spanish helper. He has been recently active on Fandom since April 2020, starting on
Black Clover Wiki and currently leading
Wiki Genshin Impact. He is especially interested in performing tasks with bots
(like conquering the world), structuring wikis and having a coffee every now and then!
bitomic is a
Spanish helper. He has been recently active on Fandom since April 2020, starting on
Black Clover Wiki and currently leading
Wiki Genshin Impact. He is especially interested in performing tasks with bots
(like conquering the world), structuring wikis and having a coffee every now and then!
NeoGirl is a
Spanish helper. She started on Fandom on December 2012, beginning on
One Piece Wiki and
Bleach Wiki, and since then she has participated in several anime wikis. She loves manga, action comics and really enjoys sci-fi movies.
NeoGirl is a
Spanish helper. She started on Fandom on December 2012, beginning on
One Piece Wiki and
Bleach Wiki, and since then she has participated in several anime wikis. She loves manga, action comics and really enjoys sci-fi movies.
SacredOwl és un helper hispà. Està actiu a Fandom des de setembre de 2011, començant a
Bleach Wiki. Li interessen molts temes que van des de
RuPaul's Drag Race fins a qualsevol manga popular que puguis pensar.
SacredOwl és un helper hispà. Està actiu a Fandom des de setembre de 2011, començant a
Bleach Wiki. Li interessen molts temes que van des de
RuPaul's Drag Race fins a qualsevol manga popular que puguis pensar.
Taxcy Marsopas1 is a
Spanish Helper that has been active in Fandom since 2015. They are an admin of
Polandball Wiki, among other communities. They are a member of the IVT since 2021. If you need their services, do no hesitate to reach out to them.
Taxcy Marsopas1 is a
Spanish Helper that has been active in Fandom since 2015. They are an admin of
Polandball Wiki, among other communities. They are a member of the IVT since 2021. If you need their services, do no hesitate to reach out to them.
Zeist Antilles és un helper espanyol. Està actiu a Fandom des del 2006, i si bé molta de la seva activitat està dirigida a
Star Wars Wiki en castellà, també està interessat en molts altres temes.
Zeist Antilles és un helper espanyol. Està actiu a Fandom des del 2006, i si bé molta de la seva activitat està dirigida a
Star Wars Wiki en castellà, també està interessat en molts altres temes.
FR - Francès
God D. Sogeflo is a
French helper and a member of the French ConVol team. He started on Fandom in 2013 on
One Piece Encyclopédie and later adopted
The Voice Wiki. He loves helping various wikis growing their communities.
God D. Sogeflo is a
French helper and a member of the French ConVol team. He started on Fandom in 2013 on
One Piece Encyclopédie and later adopted
The Voice Wiki. He loves helping various wikis growing their communities.
Juliepersonne és una helper francesa i la líder de l'
Equip ConVol francès. Inspirada pel gran esperit del
Wiki Glee, es va unir a Fandom in 2012 i va fundar el
Wiki Chuck. Li agrada ajudar en diversos wikis encara que el tema no li interessi.
Juliepersonne és una helper francesa i la líder de l'
Equip ConVol francès. Inspirada pel gran esperit del
Wiki Glee, es va unir a Fandom in 2012 i va fundar el
Wiki Chuck. Li agrada ajudar en diversos wikis encara que el tema no li interessi.
Thegamer1604 is a
French helper. He's a member of
French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. He really started to contribute on
Red Dead Wiki and adopted it. He loves playing video games and like to help the others users.
Thegamer1604 is a
French helper. He's a member of
French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. He really started to contribute on
Red Dead Wiki and adopted it. He loves playing video games and like to help the others users.
Tsunade18 is a
French helper as a member of
French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. She started to work on the
French Naruto Wiki in 2012 and became one of the administrators some months laters. She also likes to work on wikis which subjects interest her.
Tsunade18 is a
French helper as a member of
French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. She started to work on the
French Naruto Wiki in 2012 and became one of the administrators some months laters. She also likes to work on wikis which subjects interest her.
IT - Italià
En Cresh. és un helper italià. Es va incorporar a Fandom el març de 2014, com a membre de la Nonciclopedia, una paròdia italiana de Viquipèdia. Sap molt sobre el codi wiki i actualment se'l pot trobar al wiki central de la comunitat italiana, on ajuda i dóna consells als membres italians de Fandom.
En Cresh. és un helper italià. Es va incorporar a Fandom el març de 2014, com a membre de la Nonciclopedia, una paròdia italiana de Viquipèdia. Sap molt sobre el codi wiki i actualment se'l pot trobar al wiki central de la comunitat italiana, on ajuda i dóna consells als membres italians de Fandom.
Daeron del Doriath is an
Italian helper. He began his Fandom journey in September 2011 as a member of
Tolkienpedia, the Italian wiki on The Lord of the Rings, and became its administrator soon after. Apart from books, he also likes sci-fi movies and TV shows.
Daeron del Doriath is an
Italian helper. He began his Fandom journey in September 2011 as a member of
Tolkienpedia, the Italian wiki on The Lord of the Rings, and became its administrator soon after. Apart from books, he also likes sci-fi movies and TV shows.
Leviathan és un helper italià. Va començar a editar com un fan de One Piece, col·laborant tant al wiki
en anglès com en
italià fins que es va convertir administrador de l'última. Li agrada jugar una mica amb el codi wiki, CSS i JavaScript, axí que en general ajuda a altres companys editors quan se li demana. És estudiant de física i per tant, naturalment, li agrada la ciència i la tecnologia.
Leviathan és un helper italià. Va començar a editar com un fan de One Piece, col·laborant tant al wiki
en anglès com en
italià fins que es va convertir administrador de l'última. Li agrada jugar una mica amb el codi wiki, CSS i JavaScript, axí que en general ajuda a altres companys editors quan se li demana. És estudiant de física i per tant, naturalment, li agrada la ciència i la tecnologia.
JA - Japonès
Crtke is a
Japanese helper. He started editing the
Japanese Minecraft Wiki in 2018 and joined Fandom IVT in 2021. He likes to take pictures and play PC games.
Crtke is a
Japanese helper. He started editing the
Japanese Minecraft Wiki in 2018 and joined Fandom IVT in 2021. He likes to take pictures and play PC games.
Plover-Y és una helper japonesa. Va començar a contribuir a Fandom el 2010 com a usuària anònima, i el febrer de 2014 com a Plover-Y. No es cansa de llegir llibres, passejar, el menjar bo i de
Plover-Y és una helper japonesa. Va començar a contribuir a Fandom el 2010 com a usuària anònima, i el febrer de 2014 com a Plover-Y. No es cansa de llegir llibres, passejar, el menjar bo i de
Tomeito is a
Japanese helper. He started editing at
Japanese Wookieepedia in 2009. He also served on Fandom's staff for a short time until 2018. He loves the movies, not to mention Star Wars.
Tomeito is a
Japanese helper. He started editing at
Japanese Wookieepedia in 2009. He also served on Fandom's staff for a short time until 2018. He loves the movies, not to mention Star Wars.
PL - Polonès
Akodone is a
Polish helper. She joined Fandom in 2016 and is an admin on a few wikis, including
Polish Miraculous Ladybug Wiki. She likes watching cartoons and anime, reading books and crocheting.
Akodone is a
Polish helper. She joined Fandom in 2016 and is an admin on a few wikis, including
Polish Miraculous Ladybug Wiki. She likes watching cartoons and anime, reading books and crocheting.
Rail is responsible for providing help to
Polish Fandom community as well as supporting smaller languages at Fandom. He's interested in music and technology, you can also often see him active on
Discord where you can alwats ask him a question!
Rail is responsible for providing help to
Polish Fandom community as well as supporting smaller languages at Fandom. He's interested in music and technology, you can also often see him active on
Discord where you can alwats ask him a question!
En Vuh és un helper polonès. Li agrada tot el relacionat amb els aspectes tècnics - CSS, JavaScript, Lua i extensions de MediaWiki. Va començar a editar al Elder Scrolls Wiki en polonès el 2010. El seu passatemps és jugar principalment a tot tipus de jocs i veure anime.
En Vuh és un helper polonès. Li agrada tot el relacionat amb els aspectes tècnics - CSS, JavaScript, Lua i extensions de MediaWiki. Va començar a editar al Elder Scrolls Wiki en polonès el 2010. El seu passatemps és jugar principalment a tot tipus de jocs i veure anime.
PT - Portuguès
Dioniso7 és un helper portuguès. Es va unir a Fandom el novembre de 2017, i va entrar a formar part de l'IVT l'octubre de 2018. Treballa principalment a millorar wikis. Va començar a editar fa un any al
Warframe Wiki PT-BR i encara es manté actiu allà.
Dioniso7 és un helper portuguès. Es va unir a Fandom el novembre de 2017, i va entrar a formar part de l'IVT l'octubre de 2018. Treballa principalment a millorar wikis. Va començar a editar fa un any al
Warframe Wiki PT-BR i encara es manté actiu allà.
.krowl25 is a
Portuguese helper. He joined Fandom in October 2012 and likes pretty much anything from animations, gaming, comics, etc. He prefers to work most with the technical part and assisting users in general but can also help with content too, if needed.
.krowl25 is a
Portuguese helper. He joined Fandom in October 2012 and likes pretty much anything from animations, gaming, comics, etc. He prefers to work most with the technical part and assisting users in general but can also help with content too, if needed.
RU - Rus
Юрий (Kuzura) és un helper rus. A la vida real, és un científic que investiga la corrosió dels metalls. Li agrada la ciència-ficció, la fantasia i les bones pel·lícules animades i sèries. Va començar com a simple usuari a la
Lostpedia rusa. Després es va convertir en el primer administrador rus d'aquest wiki. Un cop la sèrie Lost es va acabar, va començar a treballar en la versió russa d'
Avatar Wiki i en la
Comunitat Central en rus.
Юрий (Kuzura) és un helper rus. A la vida real, és un científic que investiga la corrosió dels metalls. Li agrada la ciència-ficció, la fantasia i les bones pel·lícules animades i sèries. Va començar com a simple usuari a la
Lostpedia rusa. Després es va convertir en el primer administrador rus d'aquest wiki. Un cop la sèrie Lost es va acabar, va començar a treballar en la versió russa d'
Avatar Wiki i en la
Comunitat Central en rus.
Наталья (Natalya-ru) és una helper russa. És una gran fan de la fantasia i els dracs, especialment la sèrie
Dragonriders of Pern, que va ser el seu primer wiki el 2013. Degut als seus fills també li agraden els projects dirigits a una audiència infantil. De totes les tasques dins Fandom, el que li agrada més és crear dissenys per wikis.
Наталья (Natalya-ru) és una helper russa. És una gran fan de la fantasia i els dracs, especialment la sèrie
Dragonriders of Pern, que va ser el seu primer wiki el 2013. Degut als seus fills també li agraden els projects dirigits a una audiència infantil. De totes les tasques dins Fandom, el que li agrada més és crear dissenys per wikis.
Игорь (DoubleCookies) is
Russian Squadron member and the leader for the Russian Vanguard group. He joined FANDOM in 2013. He mostly edits gaming wikis and helps them with technical issues. He is a big fan of statistics and cookies.
Игорь (DoubleCookies) is
Russian Squadron member and the leader for the Russian Vanguard group. He joined FANDOM in 2013. He mostly edits gaming wikis and helps them with technical issues. He is a big fan of statistics and cookies.
Ольга (Cryosleep) is a
Russian helper. She joined Fandom in 2018 when her love for
Final Fantasy series has reawakened. Never really expecting to stay for long, she still does not want to quit. Fortunately she truly likes translating (combining her profession and hobby) and is meticulous enough to transfer articles into Russian projects. She likes good films, games and is not bad in some handicrafts.
Ольга (Cryosleep) is a
Russian helper. She joined Fandom in 2018 when her love for
Final Fantasy series has reawakened. Never really expecting to stay for long, she still does not want to quit. Fortunately she truly likes translating (combining her profession and hobby) and is meticulous enough to transfer articles into Russian projects. She likes good films, games and is not bad in some handicrafts.
Дмитрий (Arhhhat) is a
Russian helper. In October 2019, he joined to
Russian Don't Starve Wiki, which became his first wiki on the Fandom. Most of all he likes to create templates and CSS styles. In real life, he makes music: plays bass guitar in a band and studies sound engineering.
Дмитрий (Arhhhat) is a
Russian helper. In October 2019, he joined to
Russian Don't Starve Wiki, which became his first wiki on the Fandom. Most of all he likes to create templates and CSS styles. In real life, he makes music: plays bass guitar in a band and studies sound engineering.
ZH - Xinès
Dragon Fish) és un helper xinès. Es va unir a l'International Volunteer Team el gener de 2019. Com a helper xinès, ajuda sovint amb les aplicacions d'adopció i enllaços interwiki. Li encanta el disseny de webs i el MediaWiki. Els seus passatemps són els videojocs i la cultura ACGN japonesa! El seu joc preferit és Nekopara Mirrors’ Edge i la seva novel·la lleugera preferida és
No Game No Life. Si tens cap pregunta sobre Fandom, envia-li un missatge~
Dragon Fish) és un helper xinès. Es va unir a l'International Volunteer Team el gener de 2019. Com a helper xinès, ajuda sovint amb les aplicacions d'adopció i enllaços interwiki. Li encanta el disseny de webs i el MediaWiki. Els seus passatemps són els videojocs i la cultura ACGN japonesa! El seu joc preferit és Nekopara Mirrors’ Edge i la seva novel·la lleugera preferida és
No Game No Life. Si tens cap pregunta sobre Fandom, envia-li un missatge~
Winston Sung (Deutsch:
Herbert) is a
Chinese language helper who uses
"Traditional Han Script with Taiwan Terms" (zh-Hant-TW) the most. He joined Fandom in 2018 and became a member of International Volunteering Team in 2020. He focuses on community support, language variant conversion stuff and translating, improving translations of blog posts, technical update threads and MediaWiki messages. In real life, he is a student in university.
Winston Sung (Deutsch:
Herbert) is a
Chinese language helper who uses
"Traditional Han Script with Taiwan Terms" (zh-Hant-TW) the most. He joined Fandom in 2018 and became a member of International Volunteering Team in 2020. He focuses on community support, language variant conversion stuff and translating, improving translations of blog posts, technical update threads and MediaWiki messages. In real life, he is a student in university.
Mystia) is a
Chinese helper. He uses zh-Hans-CN most. He joined International Volunteering Team in March 2021. He mainly focuses on interwiki links and wiki adoption requests. He likes the web design, although not good at. He also wrote some simple applications in Python. As an ACG (games especially) lover, he plays Genshin Impact and Arknights very often.
Mystia) is a
Chinese helper. He uses zh-Hans-CN most. He joined International Volunteering Team in March 2021. He mainly focuses on interwiki links and wiki adoption requests. He likes the web design, although not good at. He also wrote some simple applications in Python. As an ACG (games especially) lover, he plays Genshin Impact and Arknights very often.
Non-Top 10 Languages
The helpers on the non-top 10 languages are working on improving and helping all wikis in everything beyond rank 11 up to rank 36 - hence we call them 11s. In contrast to the top 10 languages, they might also be working on languages they don't speak.
Bot script team
En Luqgreg és un helper polonès i un membre de l'equip de Vanguard. És contribuidor a Fandom des de finals de 2015, contribuint principalment en fer contingut portable.
En Luqgreg és un helper polonès i un membre de l'equip de Vanguard. És contribuidor a Fandom des de finals de 2015, contribuint principalment en fer contingut portable.
CA - Català
BroOk is a
Catalan helper. He joined Fandom in 2010, founded the
Catalan One Piece Wiki and has participated in several wikis, especially in anime communities. He has also been an admin of the Catalan Community Central since 2013. He is interested in science and loves manga, anime and dubbing.
BroOk is a
Catalan helper. He joined Fandom in 2010, founded the
Catalan One Piece Wiki and has participated in several wikis, especially in anime communities. He has also been an admin of the Catalan Community Central since 2013. He is interested in science and loves manga, anime and dubbing.
Piece enrik és un helper
català. Es va unir a Fandom a l'abril de 2010 editant el wiki de One Piece en anglès, i més tard es va convertir en administrador al
wiki de One Piece en català el mateix any. Li agrada els animals, llegir manga BL i editar en qualsevol wiki en català per ajudar-lo a créixer.
Piece enrik és un helper
català. Es va unir a Fandom a l'abril de 2010 editant el wiki de One Piece en anglès, i més tard es va convertir en administrador al
wiki de One Piece en català el mateix any. Li agrada els animals, llegir manga BL i editar en qualsevol wiki en català per ajudar-lo a créixer.
FI - Finès
En CAJH és un helper finès. Té molta fluïdesa en anglès i està molt interessat en la traducció. Està actiu sobretot a les versions fineses d'Avatar Wiki i Death Note Wiki. Es va convertir en un administrador en el primer i va fundar el segon.
En CAJH és un helper finès. Té molta fluïdesa en anglès i està molt interessat en la traducció. Està actiu sobretot a les versions fineses d'Avatar Wiki i Death Note Wiki. Es va convertir en un administrador en el primer i va fundar el segon.
ID - Indonesi
Sayla Ryougetsuten is a
Indonesian helper. She first joined Fandom in 2012 and started to editing wikis in English
Code Geass Wiki. She found
Fairy Tail Indonesian Wiki in June 2015 and adopted the wiki. She is avid fan of anime and manhwa, aside of that she likes to play Genshin Impact. She mainly focuses on Indonesian localization. Aside of that, she is a final year student majoring English.
Sayla Ryougetsuten is a
Indonesian helper. She first joined Fandom in 2012 and started to editing wikis in English
Code Geass Wiki. She found
Fairy Tail Indonesian Wiki in June 2015 and adopted the wiki. She is avid fan of anime and manhwa, aside of that she likes to play Genshin Impact. She mainly focuses on Indonesian localization. Aside of that, she is a final year student majoring English.
KO - Coreà
En Miri-Nae és un helper coreà. Es va unir a Fandom el 2014. Va fundar el My Little Pony Wiki en coreà en un primer moment i encara està treballant en ella. El seu passatemps habitual és navegar per Internet, jugar videojocss i veure la televisió.
En Miri-Nae és un helper coreà. Es va unir a Fandom el 2014. Va fundar el My Little Pony Wiki en coreà en un primer moment i encara està treballant en ella. El seu passatemps habitual és navegar per Internet, jugar videojocss i veure la televisió.
NL - Neerlandès
VI - Vienamita
En Rémy és un helper vietnamita. Es va unir a Fandom com a editor principal en el wiki en vietnamita sobre Avatar i la Llegenda de la Korra. A la vida real, és vegetarià, li agrada cuinar, el te, llegir, la literatura, i especialment la caligrafia tradicional. El seu proverbi preferit és 寧三天不食莫一日無茶, el qual significa millor tres dies sense menjar que un dia sense te. Digues-li hola quan vulguis!
En Rémy és un helper vietnamita. Es va unir a Fandom com a editor principal en el wiki en vietnamita sobre Avatar i la Llegenda de la Korra. A la vida real, és vegetarià, li agrada cuinar, el te, llegir, la literatura, i especialment la caligrafia tradicional. El seu proverbi preferit és 寧三天不食莫一日無茶, el qual significa millor tres dies sense menjar que un dia sense te. Digues-li hola quan vulguis!
Squadron Team
Anti is a Russian member of the Fandom Squadron. She is a big fan of video games and books. Anti is mainly engaged in writing and editing articles on wikiprojects, as well as designs and codes (HTML, CSS and JS).
Anti is a Russian member of the Fandom Squadron. She is a big fan of video games and books. Anti is mainly engaged in writing and editing articles on wikiprojects, as well as designs and codes (HTML, CSS and JS).
BooBooLyon has been on Fandom since September 2019, founder of the
Wiki on Starz Power and he also contributes on many other wikis, especially the MCU one, being a big fan. If you see him on your wiki, it means he is currently watching the series/movie in question. He's still learning how to use the platform so don't blame him if he makes a few mistakes…
BooBooLyon has been on Fandom since September 2019, founder of the
Wiki on Starz Power and he also contributes on many other wikis, especially the MCU one, being a big fan. If you see him on your wiki, it means he is currently watching the series/movie in question. He's still learning how to use the platform so don't blame him if he makes a few mistakes…
CoralBat1714 has been on Fandom since August 2020 and does several wikis at the same time. She is an administrator on the French-speaking Wiki Stranger Things and she is a little everywhere on the French-speaking wikis.
CoralBat1714 has been on Fandom since August 2020 and does several wikis at the same time. She is an administrator on the French-speaking Wiki Stranger Things and she is a little everywhere on the French-speaking wikis.
Mapmaker Lich, or simply Lich. Registration date: September 2017, first edit: November 2017, start of active editing: February 2018, in RU Squadron since winter 2018/19. First game: Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering Storm (favourite map: Three Queens (sorry for mistake - directly translateed from Russian version - Lich). Main skills: editing and creating articles, discussing and generating ideas. Can create simple design without heavily relying on CSS and don't relying on JS (due to 0 knowledge about it). Can speak English rather good if it's needed.
Mapmaker Lich, or simply Lich. Registration date: September 2017, first edit: November 2017, start of active editing: February 2018, in RU Squadron since winter 2018/19. First game: Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering Storm (favourite map: Three Queens (sorry for mistake - directly translateed from Russian version - Lich). Main skills: editing and creating articles, discussing and generating ideas. Can create simple design without heavily relying on CSS and don't relying on JS (due to 0 knowledge about it). Can speak English rather good if it's needed.
Mopsgamer is a Russian Squadron member.
Mopsgamer is a Russian Squadron member.
MyManga is a French Squadron member. Fandom user since March 2021, he started to edit pages on the
French My Hero Academia Wiki, and four months later, he became admins on it. He's a fan of manga and video games based on them.
MyManga is a French Squadron member. Fandom user since March 2021, he started to edit pages on the
French My Hero Academia Wiki, and four months later, he became admins on it. He's a fan of manga and video games based on them.
Esteban is a French contributor on Fandom. He joined the platform on September 2019 and Squadron on April 2020. Administrator on some wikis about books, he specialises mainly in templates and CSS.
Esteban is a French contributor on Fandom. He joined the platform on September 2019 and Squadron on April 2020. Administrator on some wikis about books, he specialises mainly in templates and CSS.